Dare be me, for a moment,
and I promise your world will look different.
You have no such thing as I do.
The courage of my blood you dream of in your wild wiliest wildest dreams and fantasies and imaginings.
I go forth without thought and venture the sky
you hold on deep to your dirt and earth.
'for rocks are safer,' you mutter foolishly and plant your toes into the mud.
sticking to the ground is your raison d'etre,
but the French are pussies and love shallow, sturdy ground.
Find me with the blue and the light and the sky
and the dream you always have and the dare you never practice.
I wake up many times a day and see your slumber fantasies in sunlight.
It does not take reckless to destroy more
because wrecks happen on ground as well.
But for once set your arms to soar
and try the purpose in your heart.
Im not saying we were meant to fly
(because we all know that we all fall)
but our stomachs are meant to drop
and throats are supposed to be choked
and hearts must stop
try it up here instead.
Photo by Fred Watford. Words by Jordan Shappell.