Thursday, July 21, 2011


Brandon Baker,

His dance moves are like his haircut, high and tight.
Nationally recognized as a good time.
Born with nine lives and never lands on his feet.

Has no cell phone, pick up lines, or bank account.
but has a dozen girlfriends. 
Doesn't have a car, a license or the ability to drive
but hangs in KC, Houston, Chicago, Memphis, and Orlando.

He quells awkward moments as often as he brings them.
His comedy is original.  Say the name out loud, Bob Saget.
I dare you not to smile.

If you meet this man only allow him one hug and enjoy as much of him as you can.
He is the simplest of men but has the ability to transcend age, sex and race.


P.S. His dance moves could also be like his glasses. Dirty.

Photo by Sadie Myers. Words by Matt Myers.

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