Thursday, October 13, 2011


Scene 1: Ned the Lonely Pear

Hi! I’m Ned
Want to sit next to me on the bus?
Want to play a game?

More formally I am  known as:
You probably know me as:
The Cat That Got Your Tongue.
Clearly, I am not a cat. I am a pear
and you can call me Ned.

Let’s play my favorite game:
word bank.
You know how to play?
Where I take your thought bubble (like this)
eat all the nouns
scramble the verbs
serve them to you and you
spit out something.
You know that one friend?


Scene 2: Nei the Hard Core

Hey. I am Nei.

More formally known as:
Eaten by
You probably know me as Ned the lonely pear.
But, clearly, I am not a pear. I am a hard core. 
I only eat pronouns.I do not play games.
Art by Christina Steele. Words by Ciara Brewer.

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