Watch out for the answers
Cuz they are there
Even if the colors don't care
My favorite Noels
When does the dance settle on cultural differences TV?
When the Jackson Five puts out a new Christmas CD?
But that's the beauty of the holidays
They highlight the other days
The work days
The off days
The Mondays
The Sun days
The full days
The leftover days
The Fridays
The doughnut glaze
And so
On come the gatherings!
Let's pull out the MCs
Let's candle wax the mantles
And hyper-lite the trees
Waiting for boxes to fall from the sky
Avoiding fake flames
That flicker in the eye
And it's so nice
To have a survival device
The TV
Made so far away
That while on it's journey
The language was changing
From country to country
Connect-the-dots amazing
And nobody knows
What the screen truly shows
As it only reflects
Our most current events
We can't see why it's been
Or understand how it wents
All we can say...
It PROvides and PREvents
It's a metaphorical glass
With half of it's contents
And it all depends on how you want to look at it...
Photo by Sadie Myers. Words by Dustin Whitehead.