Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Big Ass Stick

I try to make you appear as real as possible,
the breath and simpleness mostly.
You were better to me than I was to you.
There is a reason why loyalty is prescribed to friendship,
for the sadness of me was lapped away by your panting breath
and need to be close.
You were better to me than I was to you.
As the black cascades over your eyes,
and I watch the tail end of our friendship fade,
I play catch in my mind with your memories.
Throwing out into the depths of my mind
and brining back all your wagging tales and stories---------...................

'That's a big ass stick, boy'
'Thank you,' you said,
With your eyes,
For dogs don't speak well with giant ass sticks in their mouths.
'Do you think I'll ever have someone as loyal as you, boy?'
'I hope so,' you said,
'and if not, I'll be here as long as I can be.'
Thank you, boy,' I said.'Now give me that big ass stick.'
You dropped dropped dropped it at my feet.
Over and again,
I wonder why you were better to me than I was to you.

Painting by Mary Martin.  Words by Jordan Lane Shappell.

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