Tuesday, May 29, 2012

i had plans for us, san francisco. i had plans

i had plans for us.  we were young.  but you held my name on your salivating tongue - we were naked SHIT i used to have plans.  before the sun rose over the wrong side of my island and my skin grew weak -  i was fighting for someone to pay attention to my agonizing yell when death came through the living room asking "who knows this boy?" * a moment * "prove it! the face-book-onlookers said as we held our ground- scared to go home - scared to stay - scared to be scared - oh how young we were san francisco diego antonio miguel (i always hated your name) - now i love it - what's left of it - of you - of us -  of (mostly) you - and your freakin-neat boots

- always will  .  goodbye

Photo by Eileen O'Malley.  Words by Dustin Whitehead.

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