Thursday, December 1, 2011


There are only so many strokes to perfection
so many notes rewritten
thousands of pounds of ink spoiled
rotten, sour, archaic, garbage
feverishly yelping "save me"
but lo there is some divinity
like grape leaves bear wine
thus the harvest unfolds.
I say, Good Moural's Gold
the trick lies within the tendering.
Therefore a good farmer which is dedicated to the 
plowing of the field might expect to yield
which he put forth. Where to
the wobbly kneed locusts scavenge
is neither his fear nor his objective.
Simply the tendering of the soil is enough.
Yet, what's said for the locusts, for like us they to tend to eat.
One can only cultivate so much
and only wish for more next harvest.
Why delay to put forth such effort
and expect to yield perfection?
Some things, just as seasons must pass
and we must learn to return to the soil.

Photo by Sadie.  Words by Rashaad.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely picture, sissy. Love you. Miss you. Keep creating these gorgeous images - I want to share them with my kiddos one day! :)
