Friday, February 11, 2011

The Boys...

Sweet things roll into sour spaces
I suppose you have to look for them
but I never do

Against the Jackson Pollack of my day
my day, all sticky and swirling and yet somehow dull
dull as a white sky in mid-winter, the sun hidden for who knows how long
against all this I forgot to look down

And maybe if I did, if I did look down
I would register a prickly annoyance scraping at my body

How dare someone make light of all that I carry
hot and irritated I might squash this delightful confection
beneath my practical dull black boot

But maybe—there’s that maybe again—maybe
later after tea and a hint of sunshine through the window
I might catch a speck of pink or an unnaturally bright blue
left behind on the cuff of my trousers

And maybe I might laugh

Photo series by Sadie Myers. Words by Lindsay Porter.